-ˋˏ ༻ Old ༺ ˎˊ-
Opening Scene
It was a cold clear night Organelle was shaken, a loud boom that would wake even the heaviest of sleepers.
a large pink fireball has come down from the sky and crashed into a nearby forest
The event sparking curiosity from onlookers as a few questioned if Organelle is under attack and the authorities are called to respond.
Those who could not contain their curiosity decided to investigate for themselves and as they follow the path of charred and broken branches they are met with an even more confusing sight.
A white disc. Standing five feet high and roughly twelve feet across. One side appears to be torn open while inside lay three comatose bodies, seen by those who dared to approach the object.
As the authorities arrive with rifles in hand peering inside. “They are alive but the crash seems to have knocked them unconscious. We will take them to the military hospital and question them later.”
“What if they are enemies?” asks an onlooker.
“We will make sure they are heavily guarded in case they are hostile. Now everyone.. go home and get some rest the situation will be handled properly and we will update the public on the situation as it develops.”
Who Are They?
Lucy Lacemaker
At the site of the crash the crowd has cleared and the authorities are to transport the pod down to the military hospital. One person takes out a small hand held device used to open a portal down to the lower dimension of Plas.
Waiting for them are a number of professionals in various fields including one named Luna, a military psychologist, she has been called to study the three visitors as they are taken in on stretchers. Even though they are unconscious they will be put into an induced coma during the study.
The first test performed is a memory scan which brings up the last images and emotions that were experienced by the visitors. As they watch what looks to be an apocalyptic end and feelings of fear, dread and confusion gives insight that what has happened was an act of desperation for a world that has destroyed itself.
“It appears these beings are searching to recolonize” says Luna “However it’s apparent they have a destructive nature. We will need to do further screening.”
Lucy, Harlow and Dalton lay in hospital beds, an IV in their arm to keep them asleep and electrodes on their heads attached to a computer.
The screen will show images of what they see and recognize their emotions as they go through the experience. Luna is to watch the screen and record the experience to later assess the visitors nature and background
The news of the crash has caught the attention of the elite in Nuc as well as the other underground nations.
While Lucy, Harlow and Dalton are comatose the question on everyone’s mind is “What do we do with the visitors? What do we tell the residents of Plas who want answers?
“We cannot send them back. They have no place to call home. If they are capable of being civilians do we allow them to have citizenship in Plas, if they are able to assimilate?” While Luna is a psychologist she often talks to herself as a coping mechanism as she waits for answers.
Luna gets ready to do her work, as she sits down and gets her paperwork ready her phone rings.
It’s Wexle, the leader of Ri “I believe we may have a solution if you’re willing to listen.”
“We could run a fake news story that the visitors have later died in hospital as a result of their injuries. We also state that there was some memory screening done and the information will not be released until the end of the investigation”
Luna asks “What do we do with the visitors? We can’t kill them”
Wexle calmly replies “We won’t kill them but another option is an experiment. What if we take this incident as an opportunity to advance our species and finally become a type one civilization? I feel that if it were to be believed that the visitors were actually divine beings with a message we could greatly influence the culture of Plas.”
“It could lead to the creation of new knowledge and allow us to establish our world so we don’t perish. Type zero civilizations come to an end while type one is not only survival but of great opportunity.”
Luna considers this for a few minutes “We only get one chance to do this… can we really expect the residents of Plas to simply accept that they have died and left behind a message? I mean, I give them more respect than that.” Luna takes a deep breath. “I have an idea. What if we were to download the required personality changes into their existing minds, erasing their previous memories and replacing them with their Dream Machine experience?”
“An excellent idea! You get started and I cannot wait for the results of your report.”
As Luna hangs up she then sits down to get her paperwork ready her phone rings again. It’s Helgan, the president of Mito. “Good evening Luna I have heard about the situation involving visitors what is the plan?”
Luna answers “Well, Wexle has made the offer that we use this incident as the opportunity for an experiment to bring religion to Organelle.”
“Fascinating, we will develop a new world.”
Luna asks “Should the story reflect the Dream Machine simulation?”
“We will look into developing a story of their past and broadcast it as a documentary perhaps?”Helgan replies “It is just a thought, we will get to work and present it to you once we have it completed”
Luna decides before she continues to reach out to Yeshua, the king of Nuc
“Sorry to bother you at this hour Yesuha but do you have time to talk?”
Yesuha answers with “I am quite busy however if this is regarding the incident I’m willing to speak with you on the subject”
Luna begins by telling Yesuha “I am at a loss of what is to be done with these visitors so I am reaching out to all of you so we can develop a strategy”
Luna explains the current situation and the options that have been presented to Yeshua who is silent on the other end
“This is indeed a great opportunity that we cannot waste. Listen to me, we can re program them into much more than what the Dream Machine has to offer. I propose when it comes to the Dream Machine that we program them.
We make them into mystics teaching the Cosmic Wheel in a way that is figurative and we see how Plas reacts. Make sure they are not killed and they have the time and opportunity to preach the message and have their behaviour divine.”
“How do you suppose we make their behaviour divine?” Asks Luna
“With the Walk of Virtue. We have them live accordingly to it’s teachings and to not behave outside of it’s laws. We will make them perfect in the eyes of future believers.”
“I have high hopes for this experiment, Luna. We will put together a plan. If the people of Plas are smart they will listen to the visitors.”
“I’m afraid.. Yesuha what if they are not?”
Yeshua is silent “We must make sure they listen. the message has to get out and we hope that somebody is paying attention”
“This is our chance to become a higher species, Luna, but we need the collective mindset to understand it and it’s importance for it to ever become a reality. I’m afraid that if we continue as a type zero civilization this world will destroy itself. We cannot allow such a thing.”
Luna asks, with a bit of nervousness in her voice “Should we meet? To discuss this?”
“Yes of course. Although I do believe we already have a plan in place. We need to see what side of creation they are on.
If they are beings who actually oppose creation, which sadly some entities do, we will see if they are in the Dream Machine and if it’s successful we will then program them to behave accordingly to the Walk of Virtue.
You just finish your report and I will arrange a meeting for all of us as soon as possible. Best of luck to you on your findings I look forward to hearing about it.” Yeshua says as he hangs up.
Who is Luna? Who are the Elites?
Luna sits down in a leather chair next to the three bodies. She buries her face in her hands as she knows she’s not getting any sleep tonight. She thinks out loud “No sleep, plus meeting with world leaders, how do I keep it together? This is happening so fast how am I going to do this report in one night and present it first thing in the morning? *sigh* Okay I guess we’re doing this”
Luna grabs a cup of coffee, turns on the simulator and gets ready to take notes
Everything that exists in the simulation comes from the Book of Life.
The book of Life states that each sequence in life is made up of a combination of four elements stemming from two sources.
Purine and pyrimidine which are made of rings. The visitors are first shown literal rings with the repeating statement that “life is rings, twisted ribbon, and strings”
The image flashes in front of their eyes. Starting as a slow blink as it speeds up.
Everything becomes white light as a figure from their memories now stands in front of them.
Luna keeps her attention on the emotions being felt during this. They are certainly intrigued and want to know. This is a sign of hope that they are interested in living.
“Possibly they were NOT in favour of the destructive nature of a type zero civilization. This is good news” Luna thinks to herself
They have responded well to the interpretation of Purines and pyrimidines
How will they respond to CENP-A?
The visitors will experience what was taken from the memory scan of a world’s demise, however a change will be made. They never entered the pod instead they have been snatched up by an unseen entity.
Luna looks at their emotional reactions and they are full of fear.
Everything goes dark.
The test now is to look at their general or lasting direction of thought, inclination, or interest as everything is dark and quiet.
Luna looks at their emotions and the images that show up on the screen
At first everyone is just trying to gather their thoughts on what pulled them away from their world
Luna waits patiently for their next train of thought hoping that the statement “Rings and Strings” and the Flower of Life symbol enters their mind.
When it finally does start to come into the picture Luna pays close attention, this is crucial. If they scoff at it or sink as low as to make fun of it then there is little hope for them to have a future.
Unfortunately the reaction Luna gets isn’t good. While they are not rejecting it to the point of making fun they are doubtful that it has significance and see it as a hallucination.
Luna is not giving up. She shows them the image again with the statement “These are the building blocks of our reality. Do you understand?”
The thought patterns range from anger to shame as Lucy gets defensive over the thought that someone is judging her right now. Harlow is ashamed to admit that no, she doesn’t understand what this means. As Dalton is making the effort to understand.
“Well, so far their score isn’t good but it’s not hopeless…at least” Luna thinks to herself
on chromosomes:
When a species is introduced to a new environment, it may be free of competitors and predators, allowing its population to grow
The concept of entering a peaceful and free environment, a place they have never been before
“This can be your resting place in the end. However it’s earned through work and sacrifice. You will be at peace but you must also put peace into practice.”
Do they feel entitled? Lucy does, and so does Dalton while Harlow has a shred of doubt.
“Hmm.” Luna takes note of this. “It’s not going but we can work on that.”
spindle fibers
Spindle fibers are made of tubulin proteins, which are arranged in polymers called microtubules
“The strings are hollow. The strings become tubes that if you go through it, splits the world.”
The visitors are intrigued by this idea and show interest as Luna is relieved that they are open to an idea that is completely new to them.
Satellite DNA
a large collection of repeated DNA sequences
“Creation happens in sequence until all possibilities are expressed.”
“The sequence is transformed across different regions of life”
Lucy, Harlow and Dalton seem to accept this as reasonable
is a DNA sequence that forms the telomeres of human chromosomes
Telomeres prevent chromosomes from fraying or tangling
The ending sequence shows the importance that parts of creation must come to an end to avoid excessive copies or a mutation in areas where it is not safe to continue existence
“Do you understand?”
Luna watches carefully as she waits for the response
Dalton wants to ask “So does this mean part of the universe is infinite while other parts are not?”
Luna gives the answer “Yes”
“Do any of you have any further questions?”
The others are silent
G-rich sequences are found in:
Telomeres shorten with each cell division, eventually preventing the cell from dividing and leading to cell death
Minisatellites are DNA sequences that are made up of repeating units of DNA
A promoter is a DNA sequence that controls the start of gene transcription
G-rich sequences are prone to folding into G-quadruplex structures
G-quadruplexes are made up of four guanine residues held together by hydrogen bonds
protects the telomeres from degradation, prevents the activation of unwanted repair systems, and regulates the activity of telomerase
Inhibits telomerase
Inhibits autophagy
POT1 is a subunit of the shelterin telomere binding complex
POT1 contains domains, including:
The Results: