-ˋˏ ༻ News ༺ ˎˊ-
Doing some research
Gathering some information from a questionnaire on morals to develop some questions for the characters
Although taste in art, architecture, and style is technically subjective: it is important that a society tries to uphold certain standards of beauty and sophistication.
It is preferable for society to promote that people work through their mental health problems by talking about them openly, rather than by trying to hide and ignore them.
It is important for countries to pursue a level of economic and military self-sufficiency to avoid dependency on others.
It is a sign of a deeply flawed society when someone can inherit a large sum of wealth or power without having to work for it themselves, while others inherit little to nothing.
All citizens charged with a crime, no matter how obviously guilty or problematic they are, should have the right to an impartial trial, fair representation, and due process.
It is wrong to let friendship obstruct justice (Ex: covering for a close friend who drunkenly performed a hit and run).
The primary goal of governments should be to prioritize the interests of their country and those who currently live in it, rather than pursue the wellbeing of humanity at large.
A society works best when most of its members share similar values, beliefs, social norms, and mannerisms, with newcomers being expected to assimilate/adopt these values before joining.
If an external threat ever attempts to exploit one's homeland and its people, every citizen should be willing to stay behind and sacrifice their life to defend it if called upon.
Some people, on the basis of their talent, risk-taking, hard work, and/or contributions, are more deserving of wealth than others.
If a citizen enjoys the quality of life, culture, and civilization of their country more than others, they should support actions which increase its external might, power, and influence on the world stage.
Certain inanimate objects should be treated as sacred: immoral to disrespect them even when no property damage is done and nobody is around to witness it
(Ex: Doing comedic poses in front of a war memorial).
An individual who is well-intended but could be considered a social misfit, weak/timid, and dull-witted, should be given the same courtesy and respect as their peers rather than treated as a burden by society.
Mentally sound adults should have the absolute right to decide what they inject into their own bodies, even when it may be detrimental to public health. (This includes both using drugs such as fentanyl recreationally, as well as refusing vaccination).
During peacetime, the government should be prohibited from seizing the personal property of a law-abiding citizen (such as a family home) for state planning (such as trying to construct a public railway) without their consent, even if dues are paid in compensation.
Democracy, where leadership is determined by public election in which every citizen has a right to vote, is universally preferable to any method of state governance where leadership is appointed from the top down instead.
It is distasteful for a citizen to publicly question the technical knowledge of scientists, the bravery of those in dangerous lines of work, or the work ethic of manual laborers, if they themselves haven't acheived similar feats.
If the current governing system has proven itself to be competent at ensuring the wellbeing of its citizens: all of its laws should be followed to preserve social stability, including ones that seem arbitrary or that one might disagree with.
Certain activities are so disgusting that they are deeply immoral even if completely consensual, physically harmless, and done privately
(Ex: Incest between two consenting adult twin siblings, both of whom are using proper protection)
Society is at its most admirable when businesses, schools, and public institutions follow a culture of perfectionism: prioritizing the enforcement of deadlines, punctuality, quality control, and commitment to long-term planning over more flexible or lax systems.
It is unethical for the government to place restrictions on what ideologies, beliefs, and opinions can and cannot be expressed within social media and academia, no matter how dangerous they might be considered.
It should be considered socially unacceptable for respected, high-status authority figures (such as a publicly renown general, or great scientist) to demand preferential treatment from civil society (such as skipping queues at a hotel).
It is preferable for the public to be aware of a hard truth concerning them and have it result in outrage/instability than it is for them to be kept under blissful ignorance.
(Ex: You become the new leader of a country and uncover that a previous ruling government many decades ago secretly experimented on its citizens, and if this information got out, the outrage would be taken advantage of by many radical groups who are ideologically opposed to you)
-ˋˏ ༻ The Message ༺ ˎˊ-
“Doing what you think is right can stem from a world all wrong”
Amygdala is a world that is wrong in every way
From my anger over this world I bring to you a new world… Organelle
A World Being Built
A world with the goal of evolution, with characters from a series of Darwinist logic, looking at biology differently with hopes to create something amazing
What is Critical Fiction?
Crit-Fic is basically fan fiction with the exception that it’s based on a work that disappointed me. For a while I was a fan of Sam Fennah’s work. I watched and shared his animations, enjoyed his web series Satellite City and waited patiently to finally get his first book Amygdala… just to hate it
To the point of being offended at it!
I’m not as harsh as others who were critical of this work. I found the character animations very creative but Amygdala, I consider bad taste and I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone
I however still love the characters and I’m borrowing them for my world building project. The name of my world is Organelle and it’s all based on biology
I’m not the only one to feel this way
“While I usually appreciate a good moral dilemma, (in this case, an argument between pushing for a merciful society, or remaining in pure Darwinistic logic), the arguments presented in the book left me vehemently disagreeing with both sides. I believe this must have been intentional, but it became problematic when the primary characters, including Lucy, aligned strongly with these extremes.”
“my frustration peaked during a major public debate in the last third of the book, when both sides of the argument were spearheaded by major political leaders. In particular, I felt the arguments presented in favor of a more merciful society felt surprisingly childish, considering that the one making it was supposedly an intelligent and capable leader; it felt like she was intentionally lobotomized, just so she would lose.”
“I did not enjoy this.The plot is poorly thought out, the characters are quite bland, there are way too many characters to keep up with, it takes too long to get going, the worldbuilding, while interesting, is a bit too off-putting for my taste, and the themes are just terrible and poorly constructed.”
“Fennah is careful to admit at the fore of the book his desire to explore conflicting ideologies, but too much weight is placed on one side of this argument for this to ring particularly true. At the same time as characters lovingly espouse the merits of quite literally eating children versus a rudimentary form of healthcare”
“Abysmal. Objectively bad writing. Lucy Lacemaker has so much plot armor, she might as well be piloting a mech.”
“I really hope Fennah learns from this and grows as an author. There is potential in this. He just needs to scrutinize his stories a bit harder next time to iron out all these problems.”
If you’re wondering what I did with my copy of Amygdala, I cut out the pictures of my favourite characters and threw the book away. It’s in a landfill now
Despite all of this I still love these characters and so I’m creating a world where I can experience them in a different light than what Fennah has for them. I will not be reading any more of his books and I hold nothing against him as a person nor do I make any money off of this project. I just have a different vision for the characters and a desire to share my world
A bit of world building is what I plan to do
Each nation is built following the Cosmic Wheel which is made of circular mitochondrial DNA
The elite of Organelle have a hypothesis that DNA holds answers to life’s mysteries
-ˋˏ ༻ O ༺ ˎˊ-
They Do Not Think Like Us
The people of Organelle do not think in the same way as humans with the exception that there are docile and hostile personality types
Docile personality types:
Type 1 (Totipotent):
Totipotent cells undergo zygotic genome activation
essential for the ensuing first lineage decisions and the overall progression of embryonic development
The first lineage of anything in life is believed to be the most telling, so therefore these people have trained themselves to actively search for the first lineage of information, and to judge it as it began instead of what it has later become. They use the example of a small child being the most pure as a means to determine the quality of all things. Another example of this would be if there was a news report, only the first initial report is listened to everything afterwards has been corrupted. If you’re asked a question and you pause for too long then your answer is silence and no need to listen to what you have to say after a long pause. If you were to prepare a speech, they would not listen, and for a politician to read from a teleprompter is unacceptable and they will not listen to any of it because there was time for it to be corrupted
ZGA involves the activation of the zygotic genome, leading to the transcription of genes that were previously silent
DNA, the molecule that stores genetic information, acts as a template
a single-stranded nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) that serves as a guide for the synthesis of a new DNA, RNA, or protein molecule during processes like replication, transcription, and translation
the process where a cell creates an RNA copy of a DNA sequence, forming a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule
It is believed that in all things there is only one strand of truth. It is believed that this one strand is a guide for the creation and understanding of new information. The “strand of truth” is what is believed to me the message in the conversation
Totipotent cells undergo changes in DNA methylation
an epigenetic process where methyl groups (CH3) are added to DNA
a chemical group consisting of one carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms
Methyl groups are generally very stable and unreactive
Type 1 personalities are generally calm and not confrontational in situations. One thing however, is they consider the idea that if you’re someone who is different you should try to bond with the majority
histone modifications
chemical changes to histone proteins that can alter chromatin structure and regulate gene activity
and chromatin remodeling
a dynamic process where chromatin, the DNA-protein complex, is rearranged to allow access of regulatory proteins, like transcription factors, to DNA, thereby controlling gene expression
Type 2 (Pluripotent):
Pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, which can give rise to all cell types
Type 3 (Multipotent):
unspecialized meaning they have not yet “decided” what type of adult cell they will be. They can self-renew and make two new stem cell. They can differentiate to make multiple types of cells
Type 4 (Oligopotent):
Oligopotent stem cells have a more restricted differentiation potential than multipotent or pluripotent stem cells
Oligopotent stem cells can differentiate into cells of the blood and immune systems. For example, myeloblast stem cells produce white blood cells, and lymphoid stem cells differentiate into lymphocyte
Type 5 (Unipotent):
Unipotent stem cells can only differentiate into one cell type
Unipotent stem cells are found in adult organ tissues that are dedicated to a specific cell lineage
Hostile Personalities:
Type 6 (Innate immunity):
Innate immunity acts quickly, within minutes to hours, upon encountering a pathogen
It doesn't distinguish between different types of pathogens, responding the same way to all foreign invaders
Unlike adaptive immunity, innate immunity doesn't "remember" past encounters, so the response is the same regardless of prior exposure
Type 7 (Adaptive immunity):
Adaptive immune responses are highly targeted, recognizing and responding to specific antigens (foreign substances)
The adaptive immune system can recognize and respond to a vast array of different antigens
After encountering a pathogen, the adaptive immune system "remembers" it, allowing for a faster and more robust response upon re-exposure
Unlike the innate immune system, which responds rapidly, adaptive immunity takes time to develop a specific response
Type 8 (Autoimmunity):
Normally, the immune system defends the body against foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. In autoimmunity, this system malfunctions and targets the body's own tissues as foreign
Type 9 (Humoral immunity):
is characterized by the production of antibodies by B cells to fight against pathogens in the body's extracellular fluids, neutralizing them and marking them for destruction
Humoral immunity primarily protects against extracellular pathogens, such as bacteria and toxins, that are circulating in the body fluid
Type 10 (Cell-mediated immunity):
Unlike humoral immunity, cell-mediated immunity doesn't involve antibodies; instead, it relies on the direct action of T cells and other immune cells
The process begins with the activation of naive T cells by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that display fragments of antigens (epitopes) on their surface, using MHC molecules
Helper T cells (Th cells) play a vital role in coordinating the immune response, including activating other T cells and B cells
Cell-mediated immunity also involves the activation of macrophages, which can engulf and destroy intracellular pathogens
I’m creating different personalities so that there can be some surprising reactions from the people